Hearing on dairy quota set
A public hearing on the state dairy quota implementation plan, or QIP, will be held Sept. 9 beginning at 10 a.m.
The California Department of Food and Agriculture previously set the hearing for Aug. 9, but postponed it to consider additional producer suggestions on changes to the QIP. But the department said it determined the new proposals “deviate from the language the (Producer Review Board) reviewed and recommended.” Therefore, the proposed QIP modifications to be considered during the hearing remain the same.
They consist of three parts, plus a technical change proposed by CDFA: reducing the current quota premium payout from $1.70 per hundredweight, or 19.5 cents a pound, of solids not fat, to $1 per cwt., or 11.5 cents a pound, of SNF; eliminating the regional quota adjusters; clarifying the language about “hardships” by adding details that were part of the former milk pooling plan; and rewording the definition of “producer” to enhance clarity.
All affected California dairy farmers and interested individuals may sign up to testify at the hearing.
To join the hearing by Zoom, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84248601086. Meeting ID: 842 4860 1086. Passcode: 4^5WBjb*. To join by telephone, call 669-444-9171. Meeting ID: 842 4860 1086. Passcode: 04670783.