Remembrance: Helen Roberti
A celebration of life is scheduled Oct. 12 for Helen Roberti, who served as secretary and manager of the Plumas-Sierra County Farm Bureau for more than 50 years.
Roberti, who died July 8 at 89, was the first-ever recipient of the California Farm Bureau’s legacy award for contributions to agriculture. The honor, now awarded annually, is called the Helen Roberti Lifetime Service Award.
“Helen’s dedication to Farm Bureau and agriculture epitomizes the grassroots upon which our organization was founded,” then-California Farm Bureau President Paul Wenger said in presenting her with the award in 2013.
Roberti was born in the Sierra County community of Loyalton in 1935. After graduating from high school, she set out to study nursing.
But she shifted her aspirations to agriculture after marrying cattle rancher Elmer Roberti, whose parents, Alfred and Josephine Roberti, had established the now 101-year-old Roberti Ranch in Sierra Valley.
Helen Roberti embraced agricultural life, cutting hay and working cattle in the corral. She also prepared meals for countless ranch employees. She eventually went to work for the Plumas-Sierra County Farm Bureau, assisting and advocating on behalf of farmers and ranchers in the region.
“She touched everyone she met and always used the time to educate and empower others about agriculture and agricultural issues,” said her son Dave Roberti, who helps run the Roberti Ranch with brothers Richard and Jim Roberti and serves as current president of the Plumas-Sierra County Farm Bureau.
“She loved educating youth, as well as their parents, and she contributed greatly to agriculture and agricultural education,” Dave Roberti added.
California Farm Bureau President Shannon Douglass said, “Helen was a true servant leader, and we are so thankful for her incredible dedication to agriculture.”
Roberti also served on the governing board of the Plumas County Museum and was a member of the Sierra County Historical Society.
In 2014, then-Assembly member and current state Sen. Brian Dahle honored her as the district’s Woman of the Year for her service to agriculture.
On Aug. 13, Dahle adjourned the State Senate in her memory.
“Helen lived a remarkable life, and her legacy will not be forgotten,” he said.
Roberti was preceded in death by her husband of 58 years, Elmer Roberti, who died in 2012.
Her celebration of life will be held at 10 a.m., Oct. 12, at the Sierra Valley Grange, 92202 Highway 70, Vinton.
Donations may be made in her memory to the Community Church of Loyalton and the Sierra Valley Grange.