AgHiRE Program Celebrates First Graduates in Yolo County

AgHiRE Program Celebrates First Graduates in Yolo County

WOODLAND, CA – The Center for Land-Based Learning proudly awarded 21 certificates of completion to students in the inaugural AgHiRE training program, which empowers native Spanish speakers with the skills necessary to advance in their farming operations.

Over 100 family members, employers, and friends gathered for the graduation ceremony on Saturday, March 15, at the Capay Valley Health and Community Center in Esparto. Yolo County Supervisor Angel Barajas served as guest speaker congratulating the graduates with the words, “Felicidades por este gran logro! Los animo a seguir aprendiendo, creciendo y compartiendo lo que saben con los demás,” which translates to “Congratulations on this great achievement! I encourage you to keep learning, growing, and sharing what you know with others.” He concluded his remarks by presenting a proclamation, officially recognizing the achievements of the AgHiRE graduates. The proclamation was accepted by Mary Kimball, CEO of the Center for Land-Based Learning, and Marisa Alcorta, Apprenticeship Program Director.

“We are super proud of these graduates. They have shown incredible dedication and commitment over the last 12 weeks,” said Marisa Alcorta. “For many, this is the first time they have had the opportunity to graduate from any kind of structured education. The leadership component of this program had the greatest impact— these graduates are now better prepared to motivate their teams, navigate challenges, and lead by example.”

The graduates represent 12 companies, hold 20 different job titles, and work across a variety of crops, collectively bringing nearly 250 years of experience to the agriculture industry. Throughout the three-month program, participants received nearly 90 hours of classroom instruction in areas like digital literacy, regulatory awareness, farm-contextualized English, leadership, and communication from expert instructors, including Cecelia Drissia, ESL instructor for Woodland Adult Education; Rodrigo Lopez, Agricultural Labor Coordinator for Yolo County; and Maru Garcia Marin, leadership and communications consultant.

The AgHiRE program was made possible by funding from the California Workforce Development Board through its High Road Training Partnership initiative, which aims to increase access to good jobs and foster pathways for long-term career growth.

For more information about the AgHiRE program, please contact

About the Center for Land-Based Learning: The Center for Land-Based Learning is dedicated to inspiring, educating, and cultivating the next generation of farmers, agricultural leaders, and natural resource stewards. Through programs like AgHiRE, the organization works to advance workforce development and create opportunities for a diverse agricultural community.



Center for Land-Based Learning

40140 Best Ranch Rd.

Woodland, CA 95776

(530) 795-1520



(Yolo County Supervisor Angel Barajas presents a county proclamation honoring AgHiRE to Marisa Alcorta (left) and Mary Kimball (right) of the Center for Land-Based Learning. Photo by Joan Cusick)



(Bilingual Education Coordinator Oscar Velez addresses the audience in Spanish as attendees arrive for the graduation ceremony. Photo by Joan Cusick)


(Apprenticeship Program Director Marisa Alcorta gives opening words of congratulations to the participants. Photo by Joan Cusick)